College of Health Sciences Fort De Kock Bukittinggi has been planned since 2002, which was the brainchild of several members of the Education Foundation of Fort De Kock Bukittinggi.
The foundation is led by a Head of the Foundation who chaired by Drs. Zainal Abidin, MM.setelah conducted several meetings, then the members of the foundation to find an agreement to establish a higher education will be established in the town of Bukittinggi. Higher Education to be established was devoted to health. After this idea was agreed by all members of the foundation, then resumed his conversation with the city government who was then mayor of Bukittinggi Bukittinggi in shake by Drs. H. Djufri.
After no further discussion with Mr. Mayor of Bukittinggi, when it also directly responded to this idea by him, since the establishment of this university in accordance with the Vision and Mission Administration is making the City of Bukittinggi Bukittinggi as a city of education and tourism city. On the basis of the vision and mission of Bukittinggi Bukittinggi is the government agreed with the Foundation to give the name of this university with HIGH SCHOOL OF HEALTH SCIENCE BUKITTINGGI Fort De Kock, The formation of an agreement with the government of Bukittinggi, the establishment was born of a college recommendation letter by the Mayor of Bukittinggi as sign has been permitted to establish a college in the city of Bukittinggi.
The process of establishment was further processed in the Ministry of Health of Indonesia to get the recommendations in the field of Human Resources who will then request permission to use the process at the Ministry of National Education of Indonesia in Jakarta. Two years later tepetnya June 15, 2004 was published Decree No. minister. 77/D/O/2004.
College of Health Sciences Fort De Kock Bukittinggii engaged in health education which has 5 (five) Program, among others, Public Health Science Program graduate Program (SI) and Program Nursing Science Programme Tahir (SI). Then on July 7th, 2008 established another new courses namely Midwifery Studies program D. III, IV D. Studies program Midwife Educators, and DIII Physiotherapy.
The opening of this study program is in accordance with the thinking and the current government policy known as the Healthy Paradigm 2010. with time stikes Fort De Kock continues to improve existensinya so until now is to have 6 (six) courses of study by having each of Permit among others:
1. Minister of Education dcree No. 2768/DT/KX/ 2010 dated July1, 2010 regardingn Permit Renewal
Community Health Science Program.
2. Minister of Education Decree No. 2768/D/T/KX/2010 dated July 1, 2010 concerning License Renewal
2. Minister of Education Decree No. 2768/D/T/KX/2010 dated July 1, 2010 concerning License Renewal
Nursing Science Program.
3. Operation Permit Midwifery Studies Program Diploma III (DIII) College of Health Sciences Fort De Kock
3. Operation Permit Midwifery Studies Program Diploma III (DIII) College of Health Sciences Fort De Kock
No. 2084/D/T/2008 dated July 7, 2008.
4. Permit Implementation of Professional Training Programs School of Health Sciences NERS Fort De Kock
4. Permit Implementation of Professional Training Programs School of Health Sciences NERS Fort De Kock
No. 267/D/O/2008, December 31, 2008.
5. Operation Permit Program Educator DIV Midwives College of Health Sciences Fort De Kock
5. Operation Permit Program Educator DIV Midwives College of Health Sciences Fort De Kock
No.1699/D/T/2009 September 17, 2009.
Decree of the Minister of National Education of Indonesia Date May 5, 2010 No. 43/D/O/2010, DIII Physiotherapy Studies Program College of Health Sciences Fort De Kock Bukittinggi.
Decree of the Minister of National Education of Indonesia Date May 5, 2010 No. 43/D/O/2010, DIII Physiotherapy Studies Program College of Health Sciences Fort De Kock Bukittinggi.
every time a high school health sciences Fort De Kock bukittinggi always want to develop themselves to generate health professionals in the field of public health, nursing, midwifery and physiotherapy.
Facilities and means of supporting existing education to date at Fort De Kock STIKes Bukittinggi is as follows:
Lecture hall
Lectures held STIKes campus, each lecture room is equipped with facilities Over Head Projector (OHP), Laptops, LCD, and white board.
Laboratory of nursing and midwifery
Laboratory of nursing and midwifery
STIKes Fort De Kock has a nursing and midwifery as well as laboratory with equipment such as microscopes, Panthom equipment and other equipment that can be used for the practice of nursing and midwifery
Computer Laboratory
Computer Laboratory
STIKes Fort De Kock already has a computer lab, at this time have 32 units with specs Intel Pentium IV (2.4 GHz and 2.8 GHz), and equipped with a network (LAN) and also the internet which can be used for learning activities each courses related to computer and obtain information.
Laboratory of Bio Science and Public Health
Laboratory of Bio Science and Public Health
This laboratory is equipped with appliances such as LVAS (Low Volume Air Sampling) and other equipment that can be used for the practice of chemistry, biochemistry and Public Health.
Library equipped with books lectures, reading books and magazines, are also available from the table read / or independent study, the table for discussion as well as equipped with the "E-Library". It is expected that the library can serve as a support for educational programs, teaching, research and community service in the provision of library materials.
Practice Area (Mou)
For the activities of clinical practice and field practice for students, STIKes Fort De Kock has cooperated with various agencies including:
1. Bukittinggi City Health Office
2. Achmad Mochtar Hospital, Bukittinggi
3. Hospital National Stroke Bukittinggi
4. Asylum field HB saanin
5. Public Health Service Agam
6. Social Service Tanah Datar
7. Hospital Batusangkar
8. Hospital Padang Panjang
9. Clinic / BPS at SUMBAR.
10. Quiz (Koleg Universitas Islam Selangor)
11. Private Practice Midwives
11. Private Practice Midwives
With the cooperation is expected to practice activities of clinical and fieldpractice for students can be held properly.
Sports Facilities
Featured Program of Individual Study Program:
1. Community Health Science Program has an advantage in the field:
Specialisation in Occupational Health and Safety
2. Featured Program of Nursing Prodi has an advantage in the field:
Medical Surgical Nursing
3. Featured Program of DIII Midwifery Prodi has an advantage in the field:
Community Midwifery
4. Featured Program of DIII Prodi has an advantage in the field of Physiotherapy:
Manual Therapy
5. Featured Program of the Prodi DIV Midwife Educators have the advantage in the field:
Soft Skills and Micro Teaching
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