Vision School of Health Sciences Fort De Kock Bukittinggi is; Achieve Health High School of Fort De Kock became the University of Excellence in 2012 and leading in the implementation of Tri Dharma University in the field of science and technology, to create a human resources professional and independent in West Sumatra
Mission College of Health Sciences Fort De Kodk Bukittinggi is:
1. Conducting research that produces products according to the needs of development priorities and disseminate through publications, studies and application of innovative technology in society.
2. Organizing community service as needed.
3. Develop Program.
4. Completing the facilities and infrastructure to support teaching and learning process.
5. Improving the quality of human resources.
6. Establish cooperation with various parties within the framework of educational development
The purpose of the High School of Fort De Kock Bukittinggi is:
The purpose of higher education in STIKes Fort De Kock in accordance with the Decree of the Minister of National Education Republic of Indonesia No. 232/U/2000 lead on Professional Education which aims as follows:
a. Preparing students to be members of the public who have the academic ability and professional skills that can apply, develop and enrich science and technology in the field of health.
b. Develop and disseminate science and technology and seek the use of science and technology to improve living standards for people and culture of the people particularly in health.
c. Support the development of a democratic civil society with an active role as an independent moral force.
d. Achieving competitive advantage through the application of the principle of resource management in accordance with the principles of professional management